
In Sweden there are multiple types of legal entity structures, such as:
Aktiebolag AB (Public and Private Limited Company).
Handelsbolag ASA (General Partnership).
Kommanditbolag ANS (Limited Partnership).
Limited Companies / AB​
This is the most popular type of company to set up in Sweden and is best suited to smaller companies. The required minimum share capital is just SEK 50,000. Board requirements for Private Limited Companies include at least one member and a deputy. As indicated by the name, the liability of this type of company is limited to the assets involved.
Another popular format is a Public Limited Company and is most suitable for larger companies. The required share capital is SEK 500,000. Appointment of a managing director is mandatory. The board of directors should be made up of a minimum of three members, all of which must be resident within the EEA, although permission for non EEA-residents can be obtained.
Partnerships / ANS and ASA​
Swedish Partnerships take two forms. General Partnerships have a minimum of two persons who are each personally liable for the responsibilities of the partnership. Limited Partnerships have a minimum of one person with limited liability, and one with unlimited liability for all responsibilities of the partnership. The is no minimum share capital requirement.
On formation of a company a bank account must be maintained.
After the formation the company must register for Corporation tax, VAT and Payroll taxes.
Corporation Tax:​ The current rate for Swedish Corporation Tax is 21.4%. It applies to the worldwide income of all companies registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office and resident in Sweden, and the Swedish income of non-residents.
VAT:​ The commercial sale of goods and services qualifies for VAT. The standard VAT in Sweden is 25%. A reduced rate of 12% is available for certain goods and services such as foodstuffs and hotels, and 6% for goods and services such as books and domestic travel.